
operates in a variety of industrial sectors and markets.

NESTOR TECHNOLOGIES offers software and hardware solutions for enhanced safety, security and productivity through image analysis for a wide range of industries and sectors of activity.

Our software solutions use OCR technology in particular, and in recent years this has been enhanced by Artificial Intelligence.

Whatever the level of industry requirements,
automation and digitization are becoming a necessity.

Transport & Logistics sector

  • Identify container trucks by recognizing tractor and trailer license plates, as well as containers transported with TREX-CONTAINER.
  • Determine the composition of a train entering (or leaving) a terminal (rail or multimodal), by identifying the number of each wagon and container transported, with TREX-WAGON.
  • Inspect and provide visual evidence of the condition of a wagon or container.
  • TREX-UVSST automatically checks the condition of wagon chassis, speeding up the maintenance process.
clients - terminaux ferroviaires
Clients - Port maritime
Clients - multimodal
Clients - logistique
Clients - Maintenance ferroviaire - wagons
Clients - aéroport
Clients - pont-bascule

security & safety

  • Quickly and securely identify and inspect container trucks at state borders, by combining our TREX-CONTAINER solution with an X-ray cargo inspection system.
  • Image-based inspection of the undercarriage of a train to check for stowaways or suspicious objects with TREX-UVSST
  • For investigative purposes, search for a convoy by license plate number, container code, wagon number, date/time, location….
  • Identify and check each incoming and outgoing vehicle to secure access to a site, both for staff and visitors
  • Ensure the safety of rail transport by detecting wagons with a potential material risk
  • Protect agents by limiting human risks during vehicle control with TREX-UVSS
  • Smooth vehicle control
  • Ensure traffic safety by detecting dangerous goods (ADR plates and labels).

All the engines developed by NESTOR TECHNOLOGIES combine to deliver a high level of safety.

They ensure maximum safety at any given location.

Clients - douane
Forces de l'ordre
péage autoroutier
Clients - sites sensibles
Clients - Sites militaires
clients - bâtiments officiels
Clients - Parking

Mines & quarries

  • Identify hopper-cars entering or leaving a site.
  • Combine our TREX-WAGON solution with a LiDAR sensor to estimate wagon fill.

The transportation of bulk goods is subject to very specific transport processes.

agro-alimentaire - cereales
Clients - pont-bascule

Traffic & mobilities

  • Read license plates for statistical purposes
  • Automatically identify vehicles for environmental purposes.
  • Automate payment for services.
  • Tracing the transport of hazardous materials, particularly for managing tunnels, bridges, etc.

In order to improve the quality of their services while reducing costs, cities are increasingly relying on remote image analysis tools.

The products we offer operate in this context, providing solutions for automatic identification based on Artificial Intelligence.

These tools can be easily integrated into existing solutions (VMS, ERP, specific customer applications, etc.).

Clients - pont-bascule